Monday, March 19, 2012

The Six-Pack Diet

Here it is! This diet is a muscle-building, fat-melting diet designed to follow strictly for only about 2 to 3 weeks at a time. This is a sample competition diet builders use pre-contest to get as lean as possible for their show. Don't try to follow this strictly ALL the time. You need a little treat now and then to keep from feeling deprived.

I want to make it extremely clear that this diet is designed for competition! If you want chiseled abs, they are made in the kitchen! If your goal is to get healthy, trim and in shape, but not necessarily cut and muscular, this diet is not for you. It takes extreme discipline.

Meal 1, 6:00 AM
3 egg whites, 1 whole egg
0.5 c (measured dry) oatmeal
Cinnamon to taste

Meal 2, 8:00 AM
1 T natural almond or peanut butter (3 grams of sugar per serving or LESS)
2 slices whole wheat bread (optional, toasted)
6 sliced strawberries

Meal 3, 10:00 AM
5 oz chicken breast
6 oz sweet potato
1 c broccoli
1.5 t olive oil

Meal 4, 12:00 PM
5 oz chicken breast
1 c (measured cooked) brown rice
3 c fresh baby spinach
5 slices avocado

Meal 5, 2:00 PM (pre workout)
5 oz white fish (I dig tilapia)
0.5 c (measured cooked) brown rice
1 c steamed mixed veggies

Meal 6, 6:00 PM (post workout)
1 serving protein shake
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 T natural almond or peanut butter

At first glance this doesn't look like a lot of food but once you dive in you will NEVER be hungry because you're eating every two hours. I don't follow this too strictly for that reason. If I feel full, then ill wait up to 3 hours between meals, or downsize the portions or leave out one ingredient. And you can substitute different things of similar nutritional value. (ex. If you hate broccoli, eat celery and carrots instead. If you want something sweet, eat a small apple with pb instead of the bread.) Variety will help you stick to it.

If you have an angry sweet tooth like me, substitute a carb meal with a small apple or orange and 0.5 c nonfat vanilla/honey Greek yogurt. Yum! Or toss a handful of fresh blueberries and strawberries into 0.5 c of cottage cheese. Or just have a chocolate protein shake.

Just be sure to journal your food. It will help you keep track of your calories so you don't go over your budget and defeat the whole purpose. This diet is approx. 1500 calories. My favorite food journal app is called "Lose it!" and it's free! There are two reasons this app is my favorite.

1. It calculates your calorie intake and output for you! All you have to do is plug in what you ate and your exercise.

2. You can join all your "Lose it!" friends in the community and keep track of each other's progress. If you're competitive like I am, this is big motivation.

Good luck on your six-pack! Questions and comments welcome!


P.S. One last little tip- for flavoring on your chicken, fish and veggies, I like salt-free Mrs. Dash varieties and a tiny drizzle of EVOO.

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