Thursday, March 28, 2013

Group Classes

Group classes are so great when I'm not in the mood to train myself. All I have to do is show up and follow the leader. I don't have think at all, but I still get a great workout. Usually.

Personally, I think that the instructor can make or break the class. I've considered becoming certified to be an instructor myself sometimes. After all, I did study personal training and class instruction in college. In my almost decade of experience, I've come up with criteria to judge whether or not I like a group class.

Today I planned to attend a yoga class after work specifically because the teacher is my favorite yoga teacher I've ever had. I looked forward to it all day. When I got there I discovered that there was a substitute, and I already knew I didn't like the way she taught.

I was so disappointed!! But I was determined to do some yoga anyway so that all my anticipation wouldn't feel wasted. I stayed for 30 minutes. I couldn't force myself to stay any longer.

While I nursed my disappointment on the drive home, I had the idea to write a post about the dos and don'ts of teaching group classes, or what I personally look for in an instructor, from the student's point if view.

So here they are.

Yoga Dos:
1. Do maintain a calming atmosphere and demeanor, including the tone and volume of your voice.
2. Do choose natural feeling, serene music that blends easily between songs.
3. Do progress slowly and patiently through each pose.
4. Do offer gentle guidance and form corrections.
5. Do call the poses by their real names, and teach us what they mean and what they do for your body.
6. Do the poses with the class. It's easier to follow you if we can see how it should look rather than try to decipher a spoken description.

Yoga Don'ts:
1. Don't move through poses so fast! Some of us are new to yoga and/ or not very good at following. Give us some time to catch up.
2. Don't wing it unless you know that you know exactly what you're doing, and have been teaching yoga so long you could teach it in your sleep.
3. Don't act like a drill sergeant. This is not kickboxing.
5. Don't be late for class, or cut it short.

And since I'm at it:

Spinning Dos:
1. Do get excited and have fun. Spinning is tough and I need all the motivation I can get.
2. Do plan the workout sequence to match each song. I find I can perform better if I know what's coming next and can mentally prepare.
3. Do add variety. I go to spinning for a whole body workout plus cardio in one.
4. Do choose high energy music with solid beats. Nothing is more motivating than pounding the pedals to a kickin' beat.

Spinning Don'ts (a lot are repeats):
1. Don't be late or end early.
2. Don't wing it. If you're lost, I'm lost. If I'm lost, I'm frustrated. If I'm frustrated, I'm angry, and if I'm angry, I'll leave and NEVER come back to your class.
3. Don't stop riding with us! We want to see that the workout is possible. If you can't even handle it, what makes us believe we can?

Until next time.

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